We go through cancer.
The fight is against everything else.
Breast cancer awareness campaign in Argentina from a gender perspective, carried out together with the Legislative Directory and MACMA.
We fight fear.
We fight the difficulty of self-care.
We fight against stereotypes of beauty.
We fight against the bureaucracy.
We fight against the absence of effective public policies.
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Take care of your stains
We launched this campaign with the aim of sensitizing the public about the importance of prevention in skin cancer, through constant checks of skin spots and moles and inform about the dangers of inadequate exposure to the sun. Also, learn about the support and accompaniment services for cancer patients and their families.
Having information, knowing how to evaluate and take care of ourselves is the best way to prevent and cure it.
We unite for cancer
73 Patient Organizations unite so that all people with cancer in Argentina have a timely diagnosis and adequate treatment.

World no tobacco day
May 31 is "World No Tobacco Day", promoted by the WHO, which has a clear objective: To protect young people from the manipulation of the industry and prevent them from consuming tobacco and nicotine.
We launched this campaign to highlight the importance of freeing yourself from the manipulation of the tobacco and other related industries, knowing their tactics and the damage that their products cause.