Impact on public policies:
In our constant search for improvements in the health system that have a direct impact on people's quality of life, in 2019 we began the cycle of IDEAR SOLUCIONES meetings .
For these changes to be implemented, it is necessary to involve and connect all the actors involved in the care of cancer patients and the health system.
This multisectoral meeting was promoted to respond to the main obstacles that are currently observed in the area of oncology in the different health centers and the importance of generating meaningful strategies that promote a change in favor of cancer patients.
Under the premise "How do we want cancer patient care to be?" We invite everyone involved in caring for people with cancer:
Social Organizations
Patient groups
Members of the pharmaceutical industry
State representatives
Health teams

On April 12, 2019, at Casa Rosada, we arrived at a shared vision.
On June 25, 2019, at the Ministry of Social Development, we drew up a common strategy.
On October 2, 2019, at the Ministry of Social Development, we agreed on an action plan.

The articulation of the different sectors allowed us to work together on a consensual improvement plan that involves all the actors:
"In Argentina we have a care system focused on the patient and his family that has a computerized Universal Medical Record, adequate physical and human resources that constitute an interdisciplinary team committed to simplify and automate procedures, access to medication and information throughout the care process to improve quality of life. "
Starting point
This is the starting point of a process of dialogue and permanent co-creation, identifying the transformative opportunities that represent the challenge of how we want patient care to be and developing specific goals to achieve the necessary changes.
If you want to know more write us to contacto@dondequieroestar.org